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Guide to Dining Table Dimensions

Choosing the perfect dining table can be a challenge, especially when maximizing space is a priority. While table dimensions are important, it’s equally crucial to consider the chair size and how much personal space you want your guests to have. This guide provides a graphical layout to scale for some of the more common table dimensions you will find at Deco Listo. We hope this guide helps you navigate your decision-making process, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable dining experience for everyone, regardless of the size of your space.


Sample dining chair width = 50cm
Minimum (touching) dining width per person = 60cm
Well-spaced per person = 80-90cm
Luxuriously spaced per person > 90cm


120 cm x 120 cm Square Table

Great choice for a table of 4 adults

Provides a very comfortable dinner setting for 4 people leaving plenty of space for place settings and dishes.

Although possible, 6 at this table would be a very tight arrangement with people touching and little room for a place settings and dishes.

For 6 people, the 150 cm tables or the 180 cm x 90 cm table would be a better choice.

120 cm Round Table

Great choice for a table of 4 adults

This is a great choice for condominiums where comfort is desired, and flexibility is needed.

For families or close friends, it’s possible to seat 6 especially when mixing adults and children.

150 cm x 150 cm Square Table

Roomy choice for a table of 4 adults. Possible to seat 6 more comfortably than the 120 cm tables.

This is a great choice for condominiums where comfort is desired, and flexibility is needed.

For families or close friends, it’s possible to seat 6 especially when mixing adults and children.

150 cm Round Table

Roomy choice for a table of 4, and comfortably seats 6

If you prefer a round table but need more table space, the 150 is a better choice than the 120 (space permitting).
The 150cm circular is still a bit tight with 6, but provides more legroom than the 120 cm round table.

180 cm x 90 cm Rectangular Table

Great choice for a table of 4

Provides a very comfortable dinner setting for 4 people. 

Also, 180-square is a good size for the occasional party of 6.

180 cm x 180 cm Rectangular Table

Great choice for a table of 6 or even 8 adults

Very comfortable with a dinner setting for 6 people leaving plenty of space for place settings, dishes, or a Lazy Susan.

Also, the 180-square table is a good size for the occasional party of 8.

180 cm Round Table

Great choice for a table of 6 or even 8 adults

Provides more elbow room than the square table while still leaving ample space for settings.

Although there might be a knee touch or two, 180-circular provides more personal space for the occasional party of 8.

210 cm Round Table

Great choice for a luxurious table of 6, or comfortably seat 8 adults

Provides a very luxurious amount of space for 6 people, place settings, and decorations or a Lazy Susan.

The 210cm circular size is also a gives a good amount of personal space for 8 without feeling too distant from others.

240 cm x 120 cm Rectangular Table

Roomy choice for a table of 6, can comfortably seat 8

Provides a very comfortable dinner setting for 6 people and plenty of table space for dishes and settings.

This configuration also provides enough space for the occasional party of 8.

280 cm x 120 cm Rectangular Table

Great choice for a table of 8

Provides a very comfortable dinner setting for 8 people with plenty of table space for dishes and settings.

10-people is possible with this configuration, but seating would be a bit tight.

300 cm x 140 cm Rectangular Table

Great choice for a table of 8

Provides a very comfortable dinner setting for 8 people with plenty of table space for dishes and settings.

10-people is possible with this configuration, but seating would be a bit tight.

For seating 10 people, 300 x 150 or greater is recommended. See the AstonSkip, or Uxmal tables for examples.

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