Discover the Best Outdoor Wood

The Best Outdoor Wood for Los Cabos

 Ah, Cabo San Lucas – a place where the dream of wide-open windows and endless sunshine becomes a reality! Forget battling the snow and ice. Here, patios and rooftops transform into your oasis, perfect for entertaining, unwinding, and basking in the glorious Cabo sun. (Except for maybe those few, toasty summer months, but we won’t dwell on those!) 


But with all this glorious sunshine, and the occasional tropical downpour, choosing the perfect outdoor furniture becomes key. So, buckle up, sun-seekers! We’re diving headfirst into the world of wooden outdoor furniture in Cabo, exploring popular options and helping you navigate the sunshine vs. shade dilemma. Get ready to create your very own slice of Cabo paradise!

Teak (Tectona Grandis) - The Undisputed King


  • Exceptional weather resistance: repels moisture, rot, and insects
  • Strong and minimal warping: low-maintenance choice
  • Beautiful golden brown color with a straight grain: luxurious look
  • Long lifespan


  • More expensive than others
  • Some maintenance required, but less than most

Tzalam Wood (Lysiloma Latisiliquum, also called Mayan Walnut)


  • Locally sourced and affordable
  • Beautiful grain pattern
  • Doesn’t lose its color like other wood types
  • Excellent weather resistance when properly cared for
  • Readily sprouts new trees – Sustainable


  • Requires regular cleaning and oiling with UV protectant
  • May warp more readily compared to other options like teak

Parota Wood (Enterolobium Cyclocarpum)


  • Captivating rich color and interesting grain
  • Moderate resistance to rot and fungi
  • Highly resistant to insects
  • Fast-growing and sustainable


  • Fluctuating humidity in Cabo can cause warping
  • Requires regular oiling if outside in the elements.
  • Furniture cover will be necessary if in full sun
  • Ideal for covered patios

Rosa Morada (Tabebuia rosea, rosewood)


  • Exceptional beauty with a reddish-purple hue and dark streaks
  • Superior durability and hardness
  • Highly resistant to water damage
  • Artisan-crafted potential with high-gloss finishes


  • Can be heavier than other woods
  • Sun sensitivity leading to fading, necessitating protection
  • Best for covered patios

Caring for Your Cabo Sanctuary: Maintaining the Beauty of Outdoor Wood

Even the most weather-resistant wood needs some TLC to keep it looking its best and lasting for years to come. Here’s a quick guide to caring for some of the popular outdoor woods we discussed:


  • Teak: Teak is renowned for its durability, but it’s a myth that it requires no maintenance. Regularly clean your teak furniture with a soft brush and soapy water to remove dirt and debris. For long-lasting protection, avoid using teak oil, which can darken the wood unnaturally. Instead, opt for a high-quality sealer that repels water and preserves the wood’s natural silver patina. Check out this blog post on Why You Should Never Use Teak Oil!

  • Parota: Parota’s beauty requires extra care. Clean it regularly with a mild detergent and water solution. Because it’s more susceptible to moisture damage, apply a high-quality penetrating sealant every 4-6 months, especially for furniture in full sun. This helps prevent cracking, warping, and maintains Parota’s luster.

  • Rosa Morada (Tabebuia rosea): This wood is naturally resistant to rot and decay, but regular cleaning with a soft brush and soapy water is still recommended. Apply a penetrating sealer every 1-2 years to enhance its weather resistance and combat fading from UV rays.

  • Tzalam: To maintain Tzalam’s natural oils and weather resistance, clean it regularly with a soft brush and soapy water. Apply a high-quality penetrating sealer every 4-6 months, especially for furniture exposed to full sun. This will help prevent moisture damage, warping, and preserve Tzalam’s rich grain.

By following these simple care routines, you can ensure your outdoor furniture made from these beautiful woods continues to grace your Cabo sanctuary for years to come.

The Final Touches for Your Cabo Oasis

Making the Perfect Choice

Ultimately, the best wood for your Cabo oasis depends on several factors:

  • Your Budget: Teak is a  premium option, while tzalam and parota, and rosa morada  might be more affordable.
  • Maintenance Preferences: Teak requires minimal upkeep, while other options might need more regular cleaning and oiling.
  • Location, Location, Location: Full sun exposure demands the most weather-resistant wood. Covered patios offer more flexibility.
  • Climate: Cabo’s humidity and occasional rain require woods that can handle moisture fluctuations.

By following these tips, you can choose the perfect wooden furniture for your Cabo outdoor space and enjoy it for years to come. Check out Deco Listo’s selection of high-quality patio furniture delivered to Los Cabos!

Commonly Asked Questions

Q: What is the best wood for outdoor furniture in Cabo San Lucas?

A: Teak is popular due to its durability and weather resistance. Check out this great blog on Everything You Need To Know About Teak Outdoor Furniture. That being said, Tzalam wood, Parota wood, and Rosa Morada wood are great options with beautiful qualities when properly cared for.


Q: How can I care for my wooden outdoor furniture in Cabo?

A: Regularly clean your furniture with a soft cloth, use a mild soap solution for deeper cleaning, and apply polish infrequently. Cover your furniture when not in use for extra protection. Here’s an Amazon link for some great furniture cover options.